Horizon Festival 2021 | 27 AUG - 5 SEP // 27 Aug - 5 Sep 2021


Murulla Kabi Kabi (Cubbi Cubbi/Gubbi Gubbi) Elder Traditional Owner Bridgette Chilli has been painting her saltwater dreaming collection on Jhdungah Country for 20 years. She works on Belgium linen canvases in acrylic paint with colour palettes that reflect the specific elements of her country that are depicted in the artworks. She has been taught by Elders and specifically her grandmother on how to bring that connection to country into an artwork that shares her Kabi Kabi (Cubbi Cubbi/Gubbi Gubbi) language and cultural knowledge. Living on Country gives a strength to Bridgette that allows her to express herself creatively. A deeper level of communicating with the viewer through strong cultural protocols and knowledge sharing.


Bridgette enjoys representing skylore and night time scenes through her current paintings. She enjoys expressing through colour palettes like the subtle reflection on the surface of the water at night. Pastel pinks and light lilac colours then adding in the colours of water and soils on the edge of the banks. She enjoys spending time in the bush on Jhdungah, her country, then diving into a painting that takes her focus for the next few weeks. She is inspired by the connection with Ancestors and Elders that guide her to place.


Bridgette Chilli looks forward to exhibiting her next body of work that she is currently developing. She hopes to continue painting commission pieces for collectors of her artworks. Bridgette is proud to be sharing her strong cultural connection to Kabi Kabi country with her grandchildren as well, teaching the next generations about caring for country.